Blonde Thoughts

Saturday, April 2, 2011
Watching The Dark Knight with the brother. And later we are going to rearange the furniture in my room!! I have to get my room ready for my cousin Tiffany!!! I'm so excited that she is coming I could just pee! 5 whole days of hanging with one of my favorite people in the world!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Today I decided I was going to make pancakes!! Super yumm-o. Only thing was, when I went into the kitchen we had NO pancake mix. So I said to myself..."come on Nat, you can do this." So I did. Super easy, super yummy, super fast.
2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla (I added it, but you don't have to)
mix all ingredients together and add milk. I just eyeballed it. As long as it comes out to a nice pancake consistancy you'll be good!
I totally added chocolate chips, because who doesn't love a little chocolate with their breakfast!! Anyways...I recommend this to everyone!!
The picture is of my step dad Pete's pancakes...he COVERED them in whipped cream and about a sugar rush!! LOL.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Writing a book??
It has always been my dream to write a book. After my mom died I decided I wanted to right an insperational book for pre teens and teens on grief. I find that way too often kids who lose a parent, friend, or loved one hold in the emotions that they should be letting out. They feel they have to be strong for either the other parent or siblings or friends. OR, they plain just don't think anyone will understand. I've been there. It sucks. And it's true, none of my friends or family understood what I was going through, because I was the only one who had lost a parent. But I have been blessed. I know that losing her was for a purpose, and I know that purpose was to help other kids who are in the same boat. So my question for all of my 3 How should I format it. I thought about asking friends and friends of friends to write letters to there loved ones, and use them as part of the book. What do you think???
Sunday, January 2, 2011
So. 2o10 ended just like it started...WITH DRAMA!! I am now convinced that the mirror I broke at work last new years day has cursed me! Only six more years of crap to That is all I have to say about that. On a better note, one of my nearest and dearest friends surprised me with a visit and it totally rocked my socks off! I got to spend 2 whole days with Mike, Dana, and Rene. Can't wait until February when I get to go to Fresno and visit him this time. Spooky haunted house that sits next door to his house here I come!!!!! It's gonna scare me so stinking bad. I got a brand new camera for Christmas and I can't wait to start documenting my life and sharing it with you (the whole 3 of you that read this) and I hope that you will get as much laughter out of my life as I do!
Now I'm going to watch The Sorcerers Apprentice with my fam bam!!!!
Now I'm going to watch The Sorcerers Apprentice with my fam bam!!!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Being out of work on a medical leave is really, REALLY, starting to SUCK HARD CORE!!! I hate not being able to do anything, so I decided I was going to help my grandmother out and start putting up the Christmas decorations!! I was so excited! I called my bff and she came over to help me pull the stuff out of the garage and set up. I spent most of the day setting everything up and making it magical! Grams comes home and all she has to say is "wow, how did you manage if your foot hurts"!!! No thank you, I hate it, I love it, suck it...NOTHING!!! BUT, she did tell my bff thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Then to make it worse, the next day I wake up to find that she has moved all of them around. As if to say that what I did wasn't good enough and didn't meet her standards! I'm so upset!!!! She was already mad at David for being a teenager (God forbid), and now she's taking it out on me. This was all on Tuesday. Wed-Sat, she says maybe 5 words to me. So tonight I decide to ask her if she is mad at me. She says no, and of course turns it around to make me out to be the bad guy because I dared to put the decorations up, and how DARE I not color code them! REALLY!!! It's Christmas! LEAVE THEM ALONE. Then she tells me that I didn't even bother to put the boxes away and the back is left a mess. OK...there are plastic containers NEATLY stacked in the back room. THEY ALL HAVE ORNAMENTS IN THEM. I didn't put them back because we still have to get a tree to put them on. Long story short, I am never, I repeat, NEVER doing decorations again. She can put them up her DAMN SELF, the way she wants them. It was so not worth my hurt feelings and tears!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!!!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Oh boy. Talk about a busy week ahead of me!! My best friend, Carissa is getting married and I'm throwing her a lingerie shower!! It's going to be so much fun. However, I was thinking 15 people!! She gives me to guest list so I can put the invites together (that have to go out no later than Tuesday!!) and there are 40 women on the list!!! OH MAN!! I didn't buy enough invites and they don't sell the ones I bought anymore. So I figured since I have so much free time right now due to NOT WORKING I would hand make them all. A trip to Michael's is just what I need. Card stock, cute stamp of a corset or something honeymoon sexyish, ink, envelopes, small rhinestones, postage, and glue...maybe even some ribbon!! I hope these come out great!! I need to find someone who has a cricket so I can add some writing to the front of the card!! Then I decided that while I'm at Michael's I'm gonna grab me some new knitting needles and pretty yarn to make some new scarves!!!!!!!! That should keep me busy this week!!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
So the verdict is that I have to be off my foot for at least another 7 DAYS!!! LOL. I start physical therapy next friday, 3 times a week. Not sure how I'm going to do in the house for another 7 days...luckily I have really great friends who are helping break me out of this joint! HEHEHE!!! I'm went to lunch today and I'm gonna go see a show tonight. Monday my friend is turning 21 so I'm going to sit at the table and watch everyone have some much needed drinks...I can't have a few much needed drinks because I'm on pain meds but thats ok!! I excited that he's excited to be 21!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Oh and I have a baby shower to go to on sunday! Bring on the weekend!
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